Villa Santa Margherita

Why Sicily?

"To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything." Goethe said
Villa Santa Margherita
• centuries-old legends
• beautiful views from the hills
• atmosphere of the Sicilian estate
• the age of olive trees - from 80 to 250 years
• 11 hectares of olive groves bordering the natural reserve

• natural materials in the interior: marble, wood, stone

The villa got its name thanks to a fresco dated to the XIV-V century A.D., which was found in a grotto on our territory. It depicts Saint Margarita. According to a legend, she plunged a serpent, freeing the surrounding lands from a terrible monster

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This is the gateway between Europe and Africa, a meeting place for Mediterranean civilizations, a mysterious land of contrasts, a "place with many realities."

Nowhere in the world can one find comparable cultural wealth with such diversity of civilizations.

Sicily became the quintessence of Greek culture, Roman heritage, Byzantine art, Arab traditions, Norman architecture, French aesthetics, German Gothic, Spanish character, Neapolitan color - in such a small space and combined with the abundance of original Sicilian baroque.

Outstanding wines, Etna volcano, cascades of sculptures and fountains, charismatic Sicilians!

The cuisine of Sicily is a real explosion, a triumph of taste, easily impressive for ordinary travelers and sophisticated Michelin guide experts who regularly award local restaurants with treasured stars.

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Villa Santa Margherita
C.da Santa Margherita 39 Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG) Sicily

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